In the late 1930's, Nazi Germany began a policy of removing the sanctions placed on them by the Treaty of Paris at the end of WWI. The Nazis preyed on the feelings of discontent and malevolence among the German people. Thus, they began a policy of military building and the expansion of their territory by "protecting" German citizens in other nations: Austria, Poland, etc. They then place puppet governments in charge of the nations they have just "liberated," creating an empire without (in many cases) ever firing a shot or killing a person.
Putin and the Russian forces are doing the very same thing in South Ossetia today. They have entered into this region in order to protect their "peacekeepers" and assure the right of "freedom" for these people. Hence, they entered into South Ossetia, and then KEPT GOING, demanding that this was their right to protect their "own people." However, the Russians are simply working from the same expansionist, empirical mindset that has plagued Europe for centuries and caused untold devastation in the last 100 years. Putin and the Russian military are bringing "freedom" at the head of the sword, "freeing" people they will inevitably bring back into their "protection" once more.
Just wait and see: Putin might just have a weird mustache in a month...
No offense but, BORRRRINGGG...
Haha. Maybe so, but very realistic. And Putin today blamed his incursion into Georgia on the US, claiming the US is the one who instigated his "police action" into a sovereign nation!
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