Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Christianity and Politics

This post is simply a copy of a lesson I delivered on Sunday, November 2nd, at Southside. Many of you have asked for a copy of my notes, and others have been involved in discussions with me concerning the political future of America and the election of the new President. I hope these makes sense, and I hope they spur you on to think more critically about a Christian's role in government. Please dialogue with me and let me know what you think...


Stanley Hauerwas – “Our current social ills in America are forcing us to recognize that they cannot be cured by the techniques of pluralist politics… American political behavior has been very moralistic but (in the end) not very moral.”

To what degree should a Christian participate in government?
Should a Christian be involved in local/state/national government?
Should we vote?
What role does our faith play in our politics?
Should we participate in military service?

Early Christians DID NOT participate in their local government:

Christians persecuted not for their faith but for their unwillingness to acknowledge Caesar as Lord.

The problem was political; the Roman Empire cared very little about anyone’s religious beliefs as long as they would accept Caesar as Lord

Centurions/soldiers were called to give up their position in the military as soon as possible


The Churches of Christ (and others in the Restoration Movement) originally held a separation ideal as well.

The Restoration Movement called for Christians to remain separate from their government

However, a number of members were actively a part of the government at all levels

James Garfield became the 20th President of the United States

Lipscomb (et al) called for all members of the CofC to put their allegiance to God first and stay out of the Civil War

A number of CofC members fought for both sides, however

Big movement within the church to return to Pacifism

Christianity seems to fall on one of two extremes:

Radical political activism, OR

Jerry Falwell, Pat Roberson, James Dobson, Christian Coalition, Religious Right, etc.

Governmental Abstinence

Biblical View

Politics in the Bible

Patriotism comes from the Latin root patria, which means father. Thus, patriotism is the love of one’s fatherland…

Abraham as a Patriarch…

Verses to Examine:

Exodus 19:5-6

God chose a nation, Israel, and chose to work through them

Matt. 22:15-22

Paying taxes to Caesar

Jesus does not tell them to negate their political duties; they are to continue paying taxes, etc.

Matt. 17:24-27 – Temple tax

Part of being a Jewish male

Active vs. Passive participation:

At this point some of you might be saying, “Ok, we are citizens and called to support our government passively through taxes, but does that mean that we are to play an active role in politics?”

Which is an EXCELLENT question, by the way!

I believe the answer is “Yes!”

Early Christians were not above using their citizenship:

Paul is a Roman citizen and uses it to his advantage in different situations

Acts 16:37-40

Acts 22:25-29

Paul tried to reach people from all social spheres, but intriguingly we find him talking to governmental officials:

Acts 13:12 – The proconsul of Cyprus

Acts 16:29-33 – The Philippian Jailer (a governmental position)

Acts 24-26 – Paul’s trial before Felix, Festus, and Agrippa

Philippians 4:22 – Those in Caesar’s household

Part of being salt and light

Matt. 5:13-16

Romans 13:1-7

Paul tells the Christians in Rome to stop defying the government

Sounds like they are refusing to pay taxes or even acknowledge the governmental officials…

Intriguing, because the first instances of persecution happen in Rome

Instead, acknowledge that God is in control and has a purpose…

Our Role as American Christians

Which of these political positions would you consider Christian?

- Pro-life/anti-abortion
- Welfare and care for the poor
- Providing medical help to those who can’t afford it
- Protection of the environment
- Peace from war
- Against homosexuality
- Social security and care of the elderly
- Immigration issues
- Capital punishment
- Separation of church and state
- Public prayer

***Actually, all of them have some basis in Scripture***

Some are questionable:

Separation of church and state, AND

Capital punishment, since the Bible speaks both for and against it

But all are biblical positions. And intriguingly, they fall on both party lines! Despite what some Christians might tell you, you can be a Christian and be a part of EITHER political party!


Not just on one issue!

There are too many interrelated issues!

Do your homework!

Too many issues and positions that are held!

You might like one candidate’s stance on the war but hate their stance on the economy, etc.

How much does character weigh in?

REMEMBER: Ultimately our citizenship is in heaven…

Philippians 3:20 -- "Remember that your citizenship is in heaven..."

Stanley Hauerwas, “Politics, Vision, and the Common Good,” in Vision and Virtue: Essays in Christian Ethical Reflection (South Bend: Fides Publishers, 1974), 234, 236.

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