Monday, March 2, 2009

Cutting budget by spending more money? Are you kidding me?!?!?

Congratulations, Gov. Sibelius, for your new appointment as the new secretary of health under Obama's administration. I have enjoyed having you as a Governor (for all of 8 months). But, honestly, I still know nothing about Kansas politics so I am not sure if you were a good governor or not.

Now, here's the newest news from Washington. Obama made an announcement today that he was asking Congress for an additional $610 billion dollars spread out over the next ten years for healthcare reform. Part of President Obama's platform has been reforming healthcare in America, and it was one of the things that made his candidacy so popular. Now, honestly, America's healthcare system needs to be reformed. My last trip to the doctorcost me $1100, and it still grows. I just got a bill from the doctor $11 my insurance didn't pay. Should my trip to the doctor have cost this much? Absolutely not. It's insane.

But will spending more governmental money bring us reform? Maybe (probably not), but it is FULL of problems.

Problem #1: Regardless of what Michael Moore's Sicko told you, socialized medicine sucks! There is only one place in the world that it seems to work: Cuba. And, let's be honest. How many of us really would want to live there?!? If you ask anyone who has lived in Great Britain, Canada, France, etc, they will tell you that government subsidized medicine produces only two results: long wait times on important medical procedures and an 18% tax rate. Show me how that helps me!

Problem #2: Obama stated today that he wanted to spend $610 billion in healthcare reform in order to slash the Federal budget in half over the next four years. Someone please tell me how spending EVEN MORE MONEY will slash the budget. I am no economist, but that sounds like bad Fiscal Policy. I can't balance MY PERSONAL BUDGET by spending more money.

Once again, the policy of trying to spend more money to fix our economy simply doesn't work. We have given billions to automakers, who are still laying off workers and closing plants and building sucky cars. We are putting more money into government spending that yield no results for the average American.

So someone please tell me how our Public Servants keep trying to screw us over? I am tired of the Federal government telling me that we are in a recession and we need to be given tax cuts, stimulus checks, governmental handouts, tax breaks (oh wait, we aren't going to get a tax break after all!) Congress has already passed a $748 billion dollar economic stimulus plan. Obama just asked for another $410 billion to bail out more banks. Now $610 billion for healthcare reform? Give me a break! (Preferrably a break involving my taxes or HUGE mounting governmental debt to China...)

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