Wednesday, April 29, 2009

What Does God Have In Store?

Many of you know that I have been wrestling, trying to figure out what God has in store for my future. Over the last year I have dealt with incredible ups and downs: becoming engaged to the most wonderful woman (MAJOR up), and being discouraged in my work (major down). I keep wrestling, trying to figure out what God has in store for my future. Here's what I have figured out thus far:
  • I love leading worship. I get such joy out of praising God through song and helpipng others do the same. I find energy in helping people draw close to God through words, music, art, visuals, etc. It is something that I have grown to love, and something that I would love to do in the future.
  • I enjoy preaching and teaching. I love God's word, and I love helping others come to understand it better. I enjoy imparting God's word by sharing the things that I have discovered.
  • I want to reach people who have either (a) never heard the good news of Jesus, or (b) written him off because of the example of his followers. I am not sure if that means international mission work or church planting, but I do think it means NOT being a traditional pulpit minister (at least for a while.)
  • I don't do a good enough job reaching the lost. I have only had a few Bible studies with people who aren't "good church folk." I want to be challenged and challenged them. I long to hear people ask the REALLY important questions of life. I am just not sure how to reach those people at times.
  • I am easily frustrated. I don't want to be, but I get really frustrated by people who don't see things the way I do. Well, let me rephrase that. I get frustrated by people who have no vision. As long as you have a vision you are working to achieve, I won't be AS frustrated at you because you are moving with purpose towards a goal. However, I get insanely frustrated by those who are simply doing what they are doing because (a) they have always done it that way, (b) they are going through the motions because "it makes them feel better," or (c) it's the only "right way." In essence, I think God's people suffer from a lack of vision. We have gone blind because we don't care where we are going.
  • Relationships sustain me. I am so thankful for my friends who constantly support me, encourage me, challenge me. I am thankful for Megan, who loves me unconditionally and I strive to be a better man for her. I am thankful for a God who does the same: loves me unconditionally, but loves me to much to leave me how he found me.
  • I am not sure how long I can work/live/function/minister without a vision. Or when visions don't align.
Some of those things are positive, some negative, some neutral. It is simply what I am learning. I think God is constantly teaching us and guiding us through his Spirit. What are some of the things that God is teaching you?


Cary said...

Ditto on your feelings about vision. You need to work under a vision you can support or be supported in your own vision. Take heart, God will do the right thing at the right time.

Daniel said...

Thanks, bro.